
This page contains links to companies offering software and/or services for electronic submissions of dossiers in the crop protection domain.

Additional links will be provided as soon as we receive information on these links. The language used on these sites should be English in order to provide the information for all international users. We will not obtain any responsibility on the content of the linked sites.

Is your company offering dossier compilation services for industry? If you wish to be added to the above list, please contact the CADDY helpdesk, stating the nature of the services you are offering, and the link to your website. In order to be listed, the CADDY specific compilation services and/or tools must be explicitly described on the website.

Related websites

BVLGerman Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL)
CropLifeThe Global Crop Protection Federation has evolved into CropLife International
CLECropLife Europe
CRDThe Chemicals Regulation Directorate Pesticides (CRD) of the United Kingdom’s

Links to companies offering dossier compilation services

Applied StemCellApplied StemCell focuses on transgenic animal models, knock-in, knock-out mice services, CRISPR services and other cell line engineering. The company is partner of Charles River Laboratories.
ChemService SrlChemService Srl is a GLP laboratory offering physico-chemical, ecotoxicological tests and registration dossiers for plant protection products (CADDY), biocides and chemicals (REACH). (CADDY related services).
EBRCEBRC provides consulting services with a focus on chemical, biocidal and agrochemical industries.
ERMERM is supporting industry in the registration crop protection products and biocides (active substances and products) and chemicals in Europe and globally, including the preparation of CADDY and IUCLID dossiers.
GAB ConsultingGAB Consulting is a consulting company for the registration of agrochemicals, biocides and chemicals and offering CADDY service.
knoell GermanyCompany offering compilation/publishing services for CADDY dossiers.
knoell USAOur teams of specialists are your partners throughout the registration process of products and active ingredients. From planning, data handling, and document building, through dossier production and liaising with regulatory bodies, we deliver high-quality products according to your schedule.
 This includes CADDY preparation services.
LKCLKC provides expert regulatory and scientific technical support for the registration of chemicals. (CADDY related services).
REACH24HREACH24H provides EU pesticide regulatory services including CADDY-compilation
RIFCONRIFCON provides services for the registration of plant protection products including the compilation of dossiers in CADDY format. (CADDY related services).
SCCSCC is a consulting company for the registration of plant protection products, biocides and veterinary products (CADDY related services).
TSG ConsultingTSG Consulting’s expert teams specialise in providing a full dossier service for all types of plant protection products, biocides, chemicals and active substances. Our consultants are experienced in using the software to compile CADDY-xml dossiers and IUCLID dossiers, enabling successful product authorisations and renewals across Europe. (CADDY related services)

Links to companies offering eSubmission related IT consulting and IT solutions

ditemisditemis is the implementation partner of CropLife Europe for the eSubmission viewer and the new upcoming eSubmission validator and can provide both consulting & implementation services around regulatory submission management.
EXTEDOIT services and solutions in the field of regulatory data and document management for Life Sciences industries and authorities (CADDY related tools).
GContGeorg Schifferdecker has eSubmission experience for more than 15 years, provided consulting services around CADDY and GHSTS and operates the CADDY PMO and CADDY helpdesk since many years. For more information about GCont services please contact Georg at .