What’s new?

This page is intended to provide up-to date information about the CropLife Europe eSubmission builder. The information heavily depends on the feedback of the users of the builder, so please share your findings:

  • Current scope and limitations
  • Known and reported bugs (please report bugs to the development team)
  • Raised feature requests (please report feature request for essential features)

If you are not sure about your observations, please contact the eSubmission builder help desk.

Latest release

The latest release is version 1.2.0 released on March 21st, 2023. The changes compared to version 1.1.1 are:

  • Bugfixes for saving wrong information for test facility and vertebrates
  • Change from uppercase to lowercase MD5 values (this change is relevant for the German BVL to accept dossiers from the eSubmission builder)
  • Fix for issueing duplicate IDs in the XML files
  • Software maintenance

Please note the description on how to upgrade your installation.

Release history

Version 1.2.1

Releasedate: October 16, 2024.

Compared to version 1.2.0 it contains the following changes:

  • Improvement of checks during CADDY Import
  • Bugfix of the lifecycle calculation, when a replaced document was replaced again in a subsequent version
  • Hardening of the copy process of attachments during the publication process, when attachments are located on network drives

We suggest to upgrade to the latest version. Please note the section “Upgrade from previous version”.

Future development

The eSEG group within Crop Life Europe has decided in February 2023 to promote the software support around IUCLID and focus the further development of CADDY and GHSTS related software including the eSubmission builder to maintenance and bug fixing activities. A collaboration with CropLife International is planned to continue the functional extension of CADDY and GHSTS related tools on a global level.

Release history

Version 1.2.0 was released on May 20th, 2021.

Compared to version 1.1.0 it contains a bugfix that prevented a dossier to be locked / frozen, when a legal entity was used as sender/recipient that had one or more contact persons in its metadata.

Version 1.1.0 was released on Mar 16th, 2021, with the following changes compared to the beta version 0.9.x:

  • IUCLID upload functionality for literature references, see https://esubmission.croplifeeurope.eu/iuclid-upload
  • Create ToC template from dossier version
  • Copy dossier version to new editable dossier project
  • Added further EU ToC templates for chemicals and microbials
  • Improvements in dossier import and export procedures
  • Improved data validation
  • Usability improvements
  • Various Bugfixes

If you use the previous beta test version, please make sure to update before you report any errors. We may release patch versions if critical errors occur.

Current scope and limitations

The following limitations are known, a fix or extension was out of scope for the current release:

  • Potential installation issues may occur, as the eSubmission builder is provided as ZIP file and not as signed installation routine
  • The release is a single-user application, there is no support for multiple users and parallel usage
  • The application runs as standalone desktop application – architecture is prepared to scale up to enterprise application
  • The application allows you to publish incomplete information. You need to run a validator to verify, if the submission is technically correct
  • The content is stored be referencing the current local path when attaching a file to a document version. This means that the current path is stored in the eSubmission builder and there is no upload to a server-based content repository. The content must not be moved / deleted after attaching it to a document version.
  • Browser compatibility issues. Supported browsers are Chrome (preferred), Edge (latest version, based on Chromium) and Internet Explorer 11. Known issues with other browsers are:
    • Microsoft Edge (older version): top buttons disappear when selecting an item in a repository
    • Firefox and Edge: Expanding a large ToC beyond the available space destroys the pane setup of the two right columns
  • CADDY-xml import with best guess approach, due to possible degree of freedom and few mandatory metadata in CADDY-xml.
    • Parsing of concentration and unit
    • No evaluation of replace and retired lifecycle changes, this is re-computed iternally upon publication upon actual data
  • No functionality
    • for an advanced search in repositories (e.g. document author)
    • to search for documents in a dossier or to display, to which dossiers a document is linked to
    • to define and use custom attributes, tagging, folksonomy
    • for the organisation of the document repository to scale with larger amount of documents
    • for the computation of all types GHSTS lifecycle information (the node assignment status is supported, but not metadata changes)
  • Support for usage with different database (currently H2 DB is being used). Application is prepared to work with other databases via JDBC connection

Known bugs

Raised feature requests

  • extended search in document metadata (e.g. via author, owner, test laboratory)

Last update: March 23rd, 2023