Release history

Version 1.2.0

Releasedate: Jan 20th, 2023

This version has been developed and tested with IUCLID version 6.27.2. The next IIP release is scheduled for end of Q2 2023, after the next major IUCLID release in April 2023. However, this IIP version will also work with that new updated IUCLID version, provided that ECHA does not change core features of their API, which are not planned and announced as of now.

Major changes:

  • Support of import (and export) of all document types and most entities (excluding the irrelevant entities site, contact, legal entity, article), including metadata and attachments
  • Automatic suggestion of update candidates based on document type and document name.
  • Finalization of CSV-type import and export format, now called IEF (IUCLID Exchange Format), made for automatic generation (not human-readable)
    • A documentation of the format is available in a separate PDF. Please check your download page that you receive after registration.
  • Completion of the validation of all field types (see details in the format PDF)
  • Improved import and export handling, including blocking of application for long-lasting operations
  • New error display for validation errors on the IEF file level (all jobs) and job level (right side). This display will be used also in future, when validating the input via the frontend (copy/paste)
  • In Demo Mode annotations are used to tag documents for optional later deletion
  • Various smaller improvements to raise usability and robustness
  • A test suite for the IUCLID format used in future internally by us for every new release.

Version 1.1.1

Releasedate: Feb 2nd, 2022

Hotfix release to fix a bug when saving an IUCLID document / opening a document in the IUCLID webfrontend

Version 1.1.0

Releasedate: January 27th, 2022

Major changes:

  • Support of server-side installation, in addition to local installation
  • Parallel sessions to different IUCLID servers with different accounts possible
  • Smaller improvements, e.g. for tabular data editing support of pasting numbers without lower qualifier
  • Minor Bugfixes
  • Known bugs

Known bugs

  • The download link for resources from the admin perspective within the IIP is not correct and will not work. Please download the resources ZIP for the CSV import from the download page on this website.

Version 1.0.1

Releasedate: November 23rd, 2021

This version contains bug fixes and functional enhancements for tabular data editing.

Major functional enhancements:

  • Pasting and resolution of all types of references in tables
  • Correct display of entries with multiple picklist values selected
  • Display of title and data protection information (without justification)

Version 1.0.0

Releasedate: September 29, 2021.

The demo mode of this release is set to “false” by default.

This version contains bug fixes and functional enhancements

Major functional enhancement:

  • For CSV-Import of references substances:
    • Support of ranges with qualifier within one CSV field.
    • Support of references to the global EC inventory, if this has been downloaded and imported into the connected IUCLID installation.
  • Ability to edit tabular data in IUCLID documents via copy/paste from selected Worksheet e.g. (Excel) ranges.
    • Whole tables or individual rows and columns can be selected and copied into the tables of the selected IUCLID document.
    • The entries are transformed to their correct internal representation (e.g. UUID for references, code for picklist values).
    • Entries for range and quantities can be supplied in one single cell and are correctly segmented.
    • All pasted data is validated prior to saving, and validation errors are visually indicated to support immediate error correction.
    • From each displayed document, the IUCLID interface can be launched to verify and complement the data input.

Version 0.9.2

Releasedate: April 30th, 2021.

The demo mode of this release is set to “true” by default.

This version contains two patches:

  • Update of the IUCLID connectivity test (previous version reported error in some customer environments, even if the connection was operational)
  • Option to accept all HTTPS certificates from IUCLID, in case this certificate is not in a trust-chain or part of the local Java certificate store. This option is false by default. Please see the main page for details on how to activate this option, in case an error of type “Iuclid request failed: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target” occurs when supplying the IUCLID connection information.

Version 0.9.1

Releasedate: April 25th, 2021.

The demo mode of this release is set to “true” by default.

The version contains a patch to correctly upload and compare attachments.

This version has been tested with the prerelease of IUCLID 6 version 5.15.0 – to be officially released on April 28th, 2021 by ECHA; please look at the IUCLID download page for the latest update. If the API or the IUCLID format definitions for the target entities eventually change in future releases, the functionality of this release may break and will need to be updated.

As this is the first release, this version is declared to be a beta testing version. The demo mode is active per default, but can be turned off to use the IIP in productive mode after testing.

Version 0.9.0

Releasedate: April 23rd, 2021

First official release.